Charles Darwin, evolution simple and testable
2015-07-01Evolution is testable like all good normal science, writes DR DAVID PENNY.
Tikanga up your science
2015-06-23Teaching with tikanga can provide our students with different and interesting ways of looking at science challenges, writes GEORGIA BELL.
Takeaway telescopes and building enthusiasm for astronomy
2015-04-15An astronomy pilot programme was so successful it is to be repeated again this year, writes University of Canterbury science outreach coordinator JOAN GLADWYN.
Te reo resources launched
2015-04-02New te reo Māori science resources were developed by the House of Science in Tauranga.
Land of the great white butterfly
2015-03-11JAINE CRONIN writes about how the hunt for an insect pest is bringing the Nelson community together, in the latest in our 'Science in the community' series.
Bringing chemistry alive
2015-03-09Chemistry teacher Ian Torrie was awarded an ASG Excellence in Teaching Award in late 2014.
The science of Te Reo Māori
2015-03-04The Pounamu science communication game sparked some interesting conversations between New Zealand thinkers. One such conversation began: What if all science was taught in te reo Māori? JO TITO explains.
Working together to protect Flora and fauna
2015-02-23Friends of Flora is a community group that works for the preservation of native species in Kahurangi National Park’s Flora Stream area.
Turning on the switch for science
2015-02-10SWITCHES is a new community hoping to encourage young women in technology, engineering, and science.