Let the raisins dance!
2014-06-24Investigating ‘how raisins dance’ with new entrant students led to an interesting Nature of Science lesson, writes EMMA MCFADYEN.
Up, up and away
2014-03-31Challenge your students with a rocket-building project.
Looking for a cosmic needle in a haystack
2014-03-10Gravitational microlensing has produced some unique discoveries in New Zealand, writes GAVIN MILNE.
Exploring wonder and mystery through space science
2014-02-27Japanese astronauts talk space education in New Zealand.
The time and freedom to be truly curious
2014-02-10ELF ELDRIDGE writes about his career path from aspiring lunar icecream retailer to junior physicist.
Supporting Achievement in Physics for Maori Students
2014-01-30This article, by GRAHAM FOSTER of Avondale College, follows a piece about supporting Māori achievement, which you can find here[[sitetree_link id=]].
Facilitating improved achievement of Maori students in science
2013-12-08Some arguments and evidence – a qualitative research study, by GRAHAM FOSTER.
Fight your way to Physics victory
2013-11-21Entries are now open for the 2014 New Zealand Young Physicists’ Tournament.
Students realise their science dreams
2013-11-20Twenty talented students have been selected for the Realise The Dream science event.