The Day the Balloons Danced
11/06/2018Ian Milne is the celebrated winner of the inaugural NZASE Peter Spratt Medal. The award was presented at the SciCon 2008 Conference at Te Papa, Wellington. Ian was selected in recognition of his dedication to Science education, and the work he did with Peter Spratt. Ten years on, with SciCon 2018 coming up in July, we thought it fitting to reproduce one of Ian’s most recent publications. We would like to thank The Journal of Emergent Science, and Ian, for their kind permission to reproduce the article in its entirety.
Using Science Capabilities in Senior Chemistry
25/08/2017We have been using science capabilities in junior school science at Hagley Community College since 2015. We have recently begun to explore how they might look in senior school science classes. When the level 2 NCEA chemistry classes were about to start learning about Lewis Diagrams, it seemed like a good opportunity to approach the concept with the capability of Interpreting Representations.
2015 PISA/TIMMS report: NZASE President comments
15/12/2016The recent release of the OECD’s PISA (Programme for International Student Achievement) report met with mixed reaction here in New Zealand, concerning the performance of our nation’s students. The NZASE’s President Chris Duggan comments on a mixed bag for science literacy.
Links to lunchboxes: new resource explore the story of food
05/10/2016To be launched tomorrow at ULearn, a free science resource for primary and intermediate learners called The story of where our food comes from aims to tell the story of where our food comes from, and the importance to New Zealand of our primary sector.
SLH announces funding for the future
05/10/2016The new-look Science Learning Hub has been launched to great fanfare, and the good news is: it's here to stay.
Citizen Science Projects in New Zealand: 3 of the best
17/06/2016There’s no better way to get students learning about the natural world around them than by getting your class involved in an authentic citizen science project.
High stakes testing: add your voice
13/06/2016University of Auckland postgraduate researcher Zoe Klomp is conducting research that could help us understand the effect that ‘high stakes testing’ - read NCEA - has on the choices you as a teacher make in the classroom, and how the pressures exerted by NCEA affect the way you teach. Complete the questionnaire and add your voice to this crucial research! Zoe explains her project:
Matariki: renewal and remembrance
03/06/2016As we all head home for the long weekend, we look forward to a Monday off work, and the celebration of two big events: it’s the day we celebrate the Queen’s birthday, and it’s also Matariki, the beginning of the Māori new year. Sciencelearn.org.nz have plenty of great Matariki resources you and your class can access, to celebrate the occasion.
Organised chaos: BHS science fair
09/05/2016Stephen Dorey, HOD Science at Buller High School, says that the introduction of a science fair has built bridges in the community at large, invigorated learning, and created opportunities for cross-sector knowledge sharing.
Science communication evolves
02/05/2016In a great example of the evolution of science communication - and a great classroom opportunity to talk about it - climate scientists are taking the journos of the world to task on the quality of their climate change coverage.
Dependence to independence through a cultural lens
11/04/2016This 1-day workshop is intended for Science Middle Leaders, Teachers in charge of Science subjects (including L1 Science) and those aspiring to be. The key focus is to identify and share curriculum, learning and assessment practices that will improve students’ retention, engagement and achievement. Much, but not all, of this workshop will centre on those students at risk of not achieving NCEA level 2 in 2017.